Question Seven - Free Ride

Have you ever hitched a ride from a total stranger? If so, from where to where?

Question Six - Just Deserts?

Do you think maximum security prisons should offer TV, movies and computers for inmates?

Question Five - Like a Peacock

When was the last time you did something that made you feel quite proud of yourself? Elaborate if you'd like to.

Question Four - "If Only It Would ... "

The company that made your computer has just found a vault full of money that they have to spend quickly. They notify all of their customers that they will install one new feature on everyone's computer - for free. What computer feature would you want installed? If your computer does it all, be creative.

Question Three - To Eat or Not To Eat

You are invited to dinner at the home of a coworker. The food tastes terrible to you. Would you explain that you suddenly feel ill and push the plate away, or would you eat it anyway, figuring it probably won't kill you? (Any other ideas or solutions for this?)

Question Two - Painful Art?

One of your dearest friends is a struggling artist. You've never quite grasped his/her work, though you admire their determination and ambition. Do you keep quiet about your inability to "get" their work or do you fess up and find a way to suggest alternative outlets?

Question One - A Walk in the Woods

You're walking through the woods, off the beaten trail. You spot a piece of cardboard attached to a tree. On it is a large, red, painted arrow pointing either to the right or the left. Do you follow the arrow out of curiosity or just keep going straight?